Subject Choice 1
Subject Choice 2
Subject Choice 3
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Sex (as stated on Birth Certificate)
I consent to the College sharing information about my education and progression with this person. If you do not consent to share information, the contact details below will be used in emergencies only.
Contact phone number (Please enter with no spaces)
House No./Name and street (Address Line 1)
Contact Address Line 2
Town / City
Contact name (full name)
Relationship to contact
Please supply your personal email address. This is the address we will send you information about your application
Because you have not lived in the UK for last 3 years or more, we need to collect more information to determine your eligilbity for funding, please answer the questions below
Date of entry into UK
We collect information relating to special educational needs, disabilities and additional support so our SEND team can work with you to ensure that you receive the appropriate help and advice to achieve your full potential
Main Disability/Learning Difficulty
Did you receive additional support at school?
Did you receive special exam provisions at school?
Did you have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?
255 characters left
Are you currently in care?
If you know your Unique Learner Number (ULN) please enter it below
If you know your UCI number, please enter it here
Are you in receipt of free school meals?
Please enter the details of your referees, who we may contact in the event that you are enrolled at the college.
Luton Sixth Form College is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection legislation. In ticking the box below, I am consenting to my data being processed in accordance with the Luton Sixth Form College privacy notice. (
Please confirm the data processing consent
Please ensure you are happy with the information you have entered, then tick the box below to confirm your application data is accurate. By ticking this box you understand that the college has a duty of care to our community and in taking appropriate steps to protect students, staff and visitors
I confirm my details are correct and that I have read the above statement